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Saturday, December 4, 2010 11:07 AM

My blog is dying. K. I'm still thinking to delete my blog anot. I'm kinda lazy to post leh. Hmmm..

Monday, August 2, 2010 11:10 PM

huh? was caught talking and deem as a cheating act. okay, i am too lazy to tell the whole story.
thought today we can go home smoothly & steadily, Yoong came in our class and told everyone's that he will monitor our class for 1 week. If something went wrong with the class again, sorry, no more air-con room. so please classmates, do cooperate okay! (put palm together)

I was so famous that yoong called me and jaslin name infront of class and see him straight after the paper because of on top header title. i knew that something will happen today. I can predict the future! i was wearing coloured contacts and trying not to look at him, But difficult lahh. okay lor, i shall show him how beautiful is my eyes is. first thing come out from his mouth, Why are you wearing multi coloured lens? i replied, no clear lens, ordered already. I dun care, you think this is a fashion school? ya lah ya lah, whatever shit. okay, he was explaining what's the consequence that we had to hold. blehbleh. I aim him very long liao, he kept looking at my nails. so i quickly hide my nails. by that time he caught me with long nails already. he say eh you, show me your nails. -show- gave me that serious look -_- pathetic nails gonna be cut away ):
I looked so perfect awesome, still kena caught by so many things other than contacts & nails. lazy to state them out.

Today maths paper cui arh prepared to flunk already. listening was fine. just that their talking was so fast like machine gun. Cant catch their words.
tomorrow maths paper 2 & CPA theory. JIAYOU.

Sunday, August 1, 2010 12:58 AM

was suppose to meet them at 5.30pm, because i was unable to use comp so meet Jessy earlier to go waikin house use his lappy. he told me that greenridge pri is having open house today then when reach thereee... conclusion is, its zhenghua pri having their open house -.- TMD, happy for nothing. waste my bus fare trip somemore. aiyo, 45cents leh. tsk tsk.
okay fine, meet amanda at 253. to be waited for seat. hungry much.
luckily waikin have the 50% coupon, if not i wont go cck sakura to eat.
i guess Amanda was too excited to eat. haven start eating, she already broke 1 glass plate (Y)
the table was full of delicious foods ! woohooo. but selection is very little. unlike Clementi one. give you thousand of selection till dunno what you gonna eat arh.
okayokay, eat & eat. left the place at 8+. went Amanda house since the night is too young for us. slack at her house till 10pm. go home. that's all. bye (L)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010 5:36 AM

ARGHHHHHHHHHHH! do you guys know whats going on, on the 29July?! ITS PARTY TIME! Wake up lah hor, its exam time. MY ART MY ART! this time round i am choosing a more easier question. previous art exam i chose a most difficult question and ended up giving away so many innocent marks. I am not so stupid now! RAWR. Teacher gave us the topic at the very last minute. phewww. okay conclusion is, i start losing interest in art, seriously manz. Erman's lesson is so boring that can VS Michael's lesson already.

hmph, why does exams exist?! c'mon Pei Zhen, JiaYou OKAY. YOUCANDOIT.
I buay geyan! we should be the winner lor! sorry i am not sore loser, just that just that.... IDUNNO. okay nevermind. SUA.
Stay back after school to have tea break with Michael's.
because we didnt change out to uniform before his lesson. its not out fault. things had corrupted okay.
lunched at school. Lor Mee RAWT. \m/
Blurry Jaslin forgotten to bring back something, Went back classroom to take. fourth floor leh, sibeh chuan. (heart pound fast)
stay back to do something very important in our life! teeheee.


Saturday, July 24, 2010 3:56 AM

AWESOME night life!
Amanda, Jaslin, Yong Jia & Pei Zhen ! :D
Went for science mock test, was plan to do the paper finish at 4pm. so that we would have enough time to prepare and meet. the four of us was like a copier robot. Quickly rush through the papers and submit. rush home to prepare.
waited for jaslin calls like a long. receive a text from shixian that she's unable to havoc with us. how sad is that ):
had a meeting place in bus, so everyone was boarding the same bus. luckily I've limited space to board.
reach the place, and dunno which building is the art gallery. there's lots of white building around lah. found it in the end.
thought the last admission was 6.15. we reached at 7pm. and we are still able to went in. sucha cheater. found lots of awesome masterpiece hanging there. maybe one day my masterpiece will be hanged up there too! hahahaha.
starve enough to faint. went for dinner at foodcourt.
bused to cine to check the kbox and cinema time and price.
after deciding so many movies, we choose to watch Sorcerer's Apprentice.
i'm craving to watch The blood pledge, the crazies, Inception, Ong Bak 3 & predator! Movies is getting interested!
after purchasing our tickets. went to scape to ask for kbox. Almost cant sing because of some misunderstanding. trying to con us here right. Not being informed that, that's a need to booked in order to get the $17 prices when we called them. was shocked when the manger told us $25 per person & hours. siao, so expensive. we keep arguing with the manger and insist him to give us the $17 price. so clever us. he still free 1 hour for us. he'll do that because the kbox just opened not long ago. scare we will spoil the reputation. hahahaha. i like the k room alot! so much comfortable as compared to Clement one. the sofa rock my butt !
the thing i dislike is the mic and service. the echo of the mic is really (thumbsdown) so we called them twice to adjust with the mic. they told us will be coming in a few minutes. fakers. never come in the end. until we told them there's something wrong with the volume and they came. -_-
but they're very mannerly. they will knock before they come in, unlike Clement one, just came in without our notice like that. wasn't very high, because the air con make me felt sleepy. and yongjia choose all those songs that we dun really like. She spam SHE songs the most. :/
she really likes to interrupt people singing when the song wasn't chosen by her! phewwww. And lots of Korean songs. Dotzxc.
sang till the last song on 2am. suddenly turn high with jaslin! hahahahah (Y)
walk back cine for movie. was actually planned to share popcorn with Amanda. but she wont had enough money for breakfast. so didn't buy in the end.
i was awake in the first. more and more shag, and i slept almost through out the movie. Amanda too. hahahaha. coldness much. everyone's was laughing for some reason of the movie, and i dun find it funny. cause too tired to laugh already -_-
I dunno what's the storyline is about nowww. grrrr. okay conclusion is, i dun like this type of movie. but to watch with choice-less.
after movie, went to MacDonald slack and play cards. boredom like shit.
So kinda regret that i didn't buy sausage muffin. i am so desperate to eat now!
was actually planned to leave the place at 7.30am. but everyone looked so shag and tired. went home at 6.30am then. bused back 190 together. Slept during the journey home. i seldom does that. hahaha. i was the first to alight. Reach home, wash & change out, KO straight on bed until 6pm wake up.
Was truly fun tonning outside with besties although its a little bored. AwesomeFriends, bring more money out the next time! (L)

Sorry, not much photos are taken. Lazyness.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010 12:13 AM

Michael's finally allow us to change seat anywhere we want.
So now I'm officially sitting beside jaslin. The best place ever (Y)
Eat potato chips during Chinese lesson. Ivan's clique go sabo touch. ):
i always don't like PE. although it's fun or what. Cause i hate playing captain's ball. tsk. my laopa so epic funny sia. the forehead banged into a tree. fall's day. hahahahaha. I was laughing like till buay tahan sia. sorry dad. lolzxc.
I wonder how come people can play until fight. good friend somemore. It's just a game lah classmate.
phew, you're just so extra science lesson. recess after that. ate with huimin & Jessy. Actually i like English lesson alot. rather than science or maths lesson. screwed periods.
Went home straight. such a wonderful obedient girl :D
Prelims soon! N Levels soon! graduate soon! ITE soon! everything just come so fast than what you think ):
I feel that our class get bonding more & more. but we're graduating soon. I'll definitely miss my class.

Saturday, July 17, 2010 7:14 AM

Was suppose to accompany Jessy to get her D&T stuffs, but end up..

There's always 1 black sheep in the clique. was suppose to meet at 10.30pm. And the black sheep drag until 11am. make us wait so long! :/ waikin is the sheep, actually. meet him because we gonna take the same bus as him. cause he dunno going where lah. reach petir & meet Jessy. went lunch at coffee shop. In the end plan changed. waikin accompany us out. And Jessy didn't go get her D&T stuffs. instead, we went to town. lolzxc. trained to waikin house cause he wanna change out. bused down to cineleisure. i'm being tagged! had a sticker and gonna go redeem my free gift at heeren. went to eat swensen. its just salad. cant afford the rest. okay, i was stupid enough to get a fool of myself. hahahaha. after that, have best fries forever again. this time round i ordered curry flavour. much more nicer than the previous one. walk to somerset. nothing to shop with. boring much. went for food again, marché restaurant. the food was quite expensive but the food taste quite nice. We ordered the Marche's rosti and sausage and shared among. okay, then stroll around the town. nothing else we can do except eat. Today i spend every single things on foods. need go on diet veryvery soon liao. bused back panjang. decided to eat steamboat for dinner. teeeheee. home after that. :D

The Owner


Pei Zhen, 17

22 may 1994.
paris is the place i wanted to go, eiffel tower is the one i wanted to see.




The grants

•LG renoir KC910i.
Contact lens.
Coloured Contact lens.
•Hotpink rose earpiece.
Red Wallet.
M)phosis flip flop.
School Bag.
Silky girl{Hope} perfume.
Universal Studio ticket.
Ribbon accessories.
Casio gold Watch.


gossipers, please leave a tag. (L)

The Friends



























































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